Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Girls Night Out

Well, tonight Momma and I went out to the Mexican restaurant down the road from her house.  My hubby and sons were all doing their own things so.....
Enchilada  supper, salsa, chips, fried ice-cream and there ya go--my newly minted plan to eat healthier to get well went down the toilet.
My Gut Reaction?  Guess I will try again tomorrow.  Do YOU have trouble sticking to a new plan or regimen?   Why do we have problems sticking to diets and resolutions?  Lets have some discussion about this..

My plan for tomorrow's breakfast is a fruit and  yogurt smoothie made in my Vita-Mix.
Lunch will be eating out again with Momma and son down at UofA at the Subway, I'm thinking of the kid's meal cause I like the lunch tot bags.
Supper will be homemade chili pie.  I've cooked the dried beans today in the slow cooker and tomorrow will complete this meal.  I'll post the recipe then cause I've not decided at this moment yet how I want to proceed (I'm not a strong recipe person, I like to cook on the fly).
Tea made in Mr. Coffee lasts all day and snacks probably will be fruit or boiled oatmeal cookies.  Are you familiar with those?  If you aren't, then you are missing a wonderful candy like cookie.

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