Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Bubble Tea?

Yep, I'm definitely getting over whatever bug the little darlings at work shared with me.  This one was a doozy.  I hate the croupy bronchitisy head cold thing with a passion, yet as I'm getting older I seem more susceptible to them also.  Working with toddlers and preschoolers, I tend now to catch everything they bring to our facility.  Today is Wednesday, Hump Day for the typical work week and for my cold, love the pun.  I am expecting to be well enough to return to work by Friday, which is when the ice/snow storm we are expecting  here in NW Arkansas will be in full fury, just in time to enjoy getting snow bound with sick kids at work.  Oh well, life's little events.

Now on to other things.  How many of you have ever heard of or tried "Bubble Tea?"  I was researching various uses for large pearl tapioca, when I came across many references to Bubble Tea.  Apparently, all the hot Asian restaurants are serving it.  As you may know, tapioca and tea (along with dry toast or crackers) are very good to eat when you are sick. I was intrigued enough to open the sites and begin reading.  Essentially, bubble tea is tapioca mixed into the tea, served hot or cold, sweetened, possibly colored.  Looks like fish eggs.  Can be served mixed with fruit.  I like to play.  Seems  like a perfect idea to me.  So I just prepared a cup of chai and mixed in the tapioca to see how I like it.  I'll let you know.

Yesterday I used up all the lovely gluten free bread I made a few days ago ( when I forgot to write the recipe down as I created it).  I had enjoyed several crusts of dry toast during the low point of this miserable cold thing.  Between the toast, tapioca, and pineapple-ruby grapefruit slushes, cough suppressants and Vitamin C tablets, I have not eaten in almost a week.  Therefore, I was pretty hungry all of a sudden today around lunch time ( I actually stayed awake long enough to eat).  So I pulled out from the freezer one of my son's frozen Red Baron pizza's, threw it into the oven, then proceeded to eat several slices.
My Gut Reaction?  How could I be so stupid!

Now I am going to have to pay for my not being prepared--for having no quick fix foods in the kitchen.  Thus, I am now going to have to go to a Boy Scout meeting tonight while enduring the payback from the wheat.  Now I am going to have to have ready in the future, foods that I can quickly prepare to eat, or grab and go foods to take to work, especially when I am in a time crunch or just not, for whatever reason, able to fix foods.

How many of you sometimes find yourselves in similar situations?  Sometimes I feel like I am really scatter-brained and unorganized to the max.  Please, oh please, share some of your mistakes and solutions.   Perhaps we can help each other out here.

I now have a spiral notebook and pen in the kitchen so that I can write down ingredients,  measurements and steps I take when I'm creating something on the fly and then share it with  you.  I have also borrowed a digital camera with which to attempt to take photographs of the process to share with you.  In that respect, please be patient and merciful in your critiques of my ability, remember, I'm a middle ager, not a youngster, so I'm a bit--how shall I put it--new at this, yea that's right.  I'm not remedial, just ignorant.  heh heh

I also am planning to practice making and freezing mini-pizzas and other traditional fast food meals.  I like fast food meals for their convenience and easy eating.  Tacos, burritos, burgers, subs, and pizzas are all nice when I'm in a hurry.  I do like the smoothies and I know they are healthy, but I get pretty tired of sweet tastes.  I do like V-8 (spicy) but there is a lot of sodium in that juice.  Savory, crunchy, and still healthy and quick are what I'll be looking for.  The internet will be one tool for searching out recipes and ideas.  Hopefully, you all can contribute to this project as well.

I am somewhat worried about the price we will be seeing in the grocery stores this year.  You cannot find canned pumpkin to bake with already from last fall's abysmal harvest.  With the recent dreadful freeze in Florida, the citrus, tomato, strawberry, pepper, and some vegetables from Florida are devastated.  Since I am in process of purging from my diet habits convenience foods and eating more fruits and vegetables, I know this is gonna hurt.  I've already begun stocking up on frozen juice concentrate and veggies.  What about you?

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